Winner of the Downing Enterprise Competition
Reputation Transfer participated in the Downing Enterprise Competition, which is an annual competition for all students and alumni of Downing College, Cambridge, who start their own venture. We’re proud to become the winner in 2017.
Founded in 1800, the Downing College is known as the 'newest of the old and oldest of the new'. the College was the 17th to be founded within the University of Cambridge, after a gap of 204 years.

One of the most hyped startups at Web Summit in Lisbon
Web Summit has become “Europe’s largest and most important technology marketplace”, growing in six short years from 400 attendees to over 60,000 attendees from more than 150 countries. An unrivalled global meeting place for the world’s most disruptive technology companies and those interested in how that disruption can transform their businesses and their lives.
Over the last two weeks, more than 1,500 investors and 2,200 journalists have requested more than 50,000 meetings with startups at Web Summit. A ranked list of the 100 most requested startups was compiled and Reputation Transfer was on this list in 2017.

One of the “Five Startups That Can Change Marketing”
Horizont, a professional magazine serving Germany’s marketing, advertising and media community, is the established source for decision makers in the German marketing and communications industry. Reputation Transfer was picked as one of the five startups out of 1,500 at Web Summit in Lisbon that can change marketing on a global scale.
“#4 Reputation Transfer – Marketing-Tool für die Sharing Economy
Vertrauen spielt auf Peer-to-Peer-Plattformen und im E-Commerce eine übergeordnete Rolle. Problematisch wird dies für Anbieter, die sich auf einer Plattform neu anmelden oder ihr Produkt über verschiedene Plattformen hinweg anbieten. Sie müssen Vertrauenswürdigkeit dokumentieren. So sind u. a. Hotels zumeist auf allen gängigen Plattformen wie Booking.com oder HRS vertreten, werden aber dort, wo gebucht wird, nirgends mit der Gesamtheit ihrer Bewertungen dargestellt. Reputation Transfer setzt genau an diesem Problem an und möchte helfen, Bewertungen Algorithmus-basiert auf die Metaebene zu heben. 5-Sterne-Rankings sollen plattformunabhängig sichtbar werden. Das Unternehmen wurde erst vor wenigen Monaten in London gegründet.”

Speaking at the “Instech London Partner Picks” event in November 2017”
Says Matthew Grant, Executive Director at Abernite:
“Reputation Transfer’s vision is to improve the way that personal ratings can be shared across different sharing platforms. You've got a great rating on AirBnB but no one wants to lend you their yacht? Turn to Reputation Transfer. The company is building its "equivalence" algorithm to join up all the platforms you've been rated on… It's a smart concept and builds on the idea that collaboration is better than domination, which looks to be the theme for 2018.”

Live demoing at the InsurTech Rising in October 2017
Kirill, the CEO and founder of Reputation Transfer, went on stage with a live demo of porting a user’s rating from one platform to another.